Bryce Canyon, Utah

Bryce Canyon, Utah
My favorite place to visit

Monday, April 28, 2008


#23 Well, I can't believe I'm finished but it was a learning experience
for me, and as I went along it got much easier to understand what I was doing, my favorites were, I set up a "Myspace" even though at first I thought I'm too old for this, but its a fun way to keep in contact with
family and friends, and its fun setting up a page to reflect what you like
and your interests...and more of my favorites are the music and video
sites, and I think it does play a role in Libraries just to keep up to date
in all the up and coming teckie technology....


#21 I watched several "Utube" videos, which is always very humourous, and checked out the other sites also, including "Metacafe" which had a funny video "Men in Yoga" and then I also liked "Keepvid" which I liked and I also added a tag to my account, but tried to add a video
to my blog line page without success, and looked at resource shelf...
but my favorite is the music video's, but I guess videos could play a role
in the library, I guess...

Audio/Video Podcasting

#20 I looked at most of the Podcasting sites listed and found "itune" the
most interesting and useful to me, but I don't have an ipod myself, so
I don't find it much useful, and I also listened to the
and found it a little confusing and boring...Podcast alley was a little better, but so far I'm not getting the whole Podcasting thing yet....

Online Applications/Tools :Google Docs.

#18 Watched the "Google doc's in plain english" and that was a little
interesting, and set up account, and I guess it could play a role in the
library, but I just think I would still use Microsoft word instead...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


#22 Created account with "Twitter" but was having trouble with site and then had trouble logging back in, I was almost ready to give up and then I got in, and I'm not sure what uses it has, besides keeping updated on what a friend is doing, I don't think it will be of much use to me, and I read thru the tools and mashups and that didn't do too much for me...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


#17 First I put my url in the Blog readability test and did better than I thought I would, I figured I'd get a "your as good as a 3rd. grader..."
but to get the picture into my blog, it probably took me 5 tries, I was
about to give up...then I did the Wordshoot, and forgot to put my ear
phones in so my supervisor thought I was playing video games on work
time, which I guess I was...but anyway that was a lot of fun, I might have
to play that some more...


# 15 I joined LibraryThing and this site I liked, it was pretty easy and self
explanatory, and it didn't go on and on forever like some of the sites do...
I found some of the titles that I've read and this site I think would be a very popular one for people working in libraries and patrons alike...