Bryce Canyon, Utah

Bryce Canyon, Utah
My favorite place to visit

Monday, April 28, 2008


#23 Well, I can't believe I'm finished but it was a learning experience
for me, and as I went along it got much easier to understand what I was doing, my favorites were, I set up a "Myspace" even though at first I thought I'm too old for this, but its a fun way to keep in contact with
family and friends, and its fun setting up a page to reflect what you like
and your interests...and more of my favorites are the music and video
sites, and I think it does play a role in Libraries just to keep up to date
in all the up and coming teckie technology....


#21 I watched several "Utube" videos, which is always very humourous, and checked out the other sites also, including "Metacafe" which had a funny video "Men in Yoga" and then I also liked "Keepvid" which I liked and I also added a tag to my account, but tried to add a video
to my blog line page without success, and looked at resource shelf...
but my favorite is the music video's, but I guess videos could play a role
in the library, I guess...

Audio/Video Podcasting

#20 I looked at most of the Podcasting sites listed and found "itune" the
most interesting and useful to me, but I don't have an ipod myself, so
I don't find it much useful, and I also listened to the
and found it a little confusing and boring...Podcast alley was a little better, but so far I'm not getting the whole Podcasting thing yet....

Online Applications/Tools :Google Docs.

#18 Watched the "Google doc's in plain english" and that was a little
interesting, and set up account, and I guess it could play a role in the
library, but I just think I would still use Microsoft word instead...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


#22 Created account with "Twitter" but was having trouble with site and then had trouble logging back in, I was almost ready to give up and then I got in, and I'm not sure what uses it has, besides keeping updated on what a friend is doing, I don't think it will be of much use to me, and I read thru the tools and mashups and that didn't do too much for me...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


#17 First I put my url in the Blog readability test and did better than I thought I would, I figured I'd get a "your as good as a 3rd. grader..."
but to get the picture into my blog, it probably took me 5 tries, I was
about to give up...then I did the Wordshoot, and forgot to put my ear
phones in so my supervisor thought I was playing video games on work
time, which I guess I was...but anyway that was a lot of fun, I might have
to play that some more...


# 15 I joined LibraryThing and this site I liked, it was pretty easy and self
explanatory, and it didn't go on and on forever like some of the sites do...
I found some of the titles that I've read and this site I think would be a very popular one for people working in libraries and patrons alike...


# 14 I found Technorati pretty interesting and I was surprised that this site covered so many different interests like I looked up what shows I could watch if I was in Las Vegas, and then I watched a video of Patrick
Dempsey of "Grey's Anatomy, he's one of my favorites, and then I had
just heard on 105.1 this morning about a guy from New York that had been trapped in a elevator for 40 hours, that would of been a nightmare,
so I found this site real interesting....


Item #13 Watched the "Learning 2.0 and video and signed up
for then downloaded the tag to my toolbar, the video said it
was 8 minutes long, but it sure seemed a lot longer than that, and I can
see how delicious makes it easier to keep track of things and your interests, and to keep track of books it would be great...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


#16 Watched the video "Wikis in plain english" and was kind of boring,
so then read about them, and I think Wikis are great, and play an important role in Libraries, like how we use them, in our job procedures,
but also many other things like supplies, grocery lists, vacation supplies,
and many other things...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


#12 I really liked this one, it just kept my attention, because it just wasn't
as boring, like the different generators, Punk Rock jacket generator, and the Beer a matic, of course then there was the Burp generator, which
everyone knows comes after the the Air guitar nation, anyway
I really had fun looking at all the generators, I'm not sure how much it
would play in the library world, but....


#8 I spent way too much time on this one, I found it real confusing, first
Topix and Syndic8 I didn't find anything that interested me.
And Technorati-was a little more straight forward but kind of boring,
and Liswiki, I joined their blog and that was more interesting, some
of the titles were pretty funny Bitter Librarian, Crimeinthelibrary, and
I read up on RFID'S....I think "LisWiki" is beneficial for library information...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, I signed up for Bloglines, and it was a little overwhelming but I signed up to get information on a couple of my interests, and I guess I might use it, and I can see that it would be a good feature for Libraries,
to get the different feeds of the different library subjects.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I was really impressed with how many libraries take part in the Myspace and Fort Vancouver's page was really nice and informative, I watched the social networking in plain english, and I wasn't real impressed with that,
but know that Social networking plays an important role in libraries...


I opened up a MySpace account and that was fun but time consuming, but I actually will really use this one because I have family and friends that also use it.
And I think this one would be a valuable link to keep in touch with patrons especially the younger teens...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So I designed my widget and copied it and then how can it be so
difficult to get it into my page ?? I'm getting frustrated, as you can tell
by now, this blogging stuff is new to me, I know instant messaging ,that
I've done on msn but this is just much more confusing....ok, I'll come
back to this one....later, much later, well I did get my widget into my
page now I hope it works...


I thought this one was pretty easy to navigate around, and I found "" the easiest and the best one to use, I really enjoy listening to music, so far this is my favorite one...

Friday, February 1, 2008


Flicker is the best so far, I downloaded photos and slide show

#2 7 1/2 HABITS

I liked the 7 1/2 Play and didn't like the Problems as challenges

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Starting my blog

I'm already having trouble.....